How to get from Phuket to Khao Lak



Getting from Phuket to Khao Lak is an easy journey to make by road, with a mere distance of approximately 165km from one bus stop to the other.

Saying that there are also a few other travel options to choose from based on your preferences.

Even if you’re short for time, you could easily spend one day in Phuket, and move on to Khao Lak for the next.

In this guide, we have outlined the best options to help you decide how to get from Phuket Thailand to the small, peaceful villages in and around Khao Lak.

Getting from Phuket to Khao Lak

Khao Lak from Phuket

No matter where your starting point is in Phuket, there are basically three ways of getting from Phuket to Khao Lak: the Phuket Khao Lak Bus, a shared minivan, or a taxi.

Whilst buses and minibuses have the advantage of being the cheaper options, taxis are more flexible and have the added bonus of taking you directly from your hotel in Phuket to your destination in Khao Lak.

Distance from Phuket to Khao Lak

The distance from Phuket to Khao Lak is just over 100kms, depending on where in Phuket you are coming from. The journey should take approximately 2 hours.

How to get to Khao Lak from Phuket

best Khao Lak beaches

Traveling from Phuket to Khao Lak is an easy journey to make by road. There are a few different options available to choose from depending on your travel needs:

Option 1: Bus from Phuket to Khao Lak

Public buses offer the cheapest form of transport from Phuket to Khao Lak. They’re commonly known as the ‘red bus’, and most of them have air-conditioning and run fairly regularly.

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If you’re used to traveling independently and enjoy meeting people along the journey and taking in the scenery on the ride, then this is probably a good option for you.

If you’re coming from the airport, you’ll need to make your way to the main road (approximately 5km from the airport) and then flag down the bus.

You’ll then need to look for buses that are traveling to either Takuapa, Ranong or Surat Thani, as these buses all pass through Khao Lak.

These local bus tickets can’t be booked in advance, and so require less planning and allow for more sporadic traveling.

Journey Time: Between 2-4 hours

Perfect For: Travelers looking for the cheapest route

Cost Involved: Around USD $4.4

Option 2: Phuket to Khao Lak Minibus

If you’re looking for a little more comfort and flexibility or are traveling with a small group, the minivan is a second option that is cheaper than a taxi.

How to ket from Phuket to Khao Lak

The drawback to this mode of transport is that the minibus may spend some time driving from hotel to hotel picking up passengers before beginning the journey.

Once on the road, the trip should take around 2.5 hours, with a nifty local driver.

This is also a convenient option if you’re trying to get to Khao Lak from Phuket airport.

Journey Time: 2.5 hours

Perfect For: Travelers looking for a comfortable ride

Cost Involved: USD $23

Check out your current prices for the minivan from Phuket airport on Get Your Guide here.

Option 3: Phuket to Khao Lak Taxi

There are multiple advantages to traveling by taxi from Phuket to Khao Lak if costs are not one of your concerns.

Kata Noi Beach Phuket

Private taxis can be booked in advance and collect you from Phuket airport or your specified hotel or location anywhere in Phuket and drive you directly to your location in Khao Lak.

This hassle-free door-to-door service is definitely a bonus when traveling by taxi. Depending on your needs, you could book anything from a standard sedan to a 9-seater van.

The taxis also offer more freedom! You are able to decide when you’d like to leave and can request to stop along the way.

Journey Time: 2 hours

Perfect For: Travelers looking for the quickest route

Cost Involved: USD $50

Check out the current prices for a private taxi from Phuket to Khao Lak transfer here.

Final Thoughts

All in all, your mode of transport when traveling from Phuket to Khao Lak will depend on your budget and schedule.

If you’re wanting to save money and don’t mind less space and comfort and you’re not in a rush, then the local buses are a great way to meet locals and decide when you would like to leave.

If you prefer to arrange all your travel plans in advance, or are traveling with a group who you’d like to split costs with, in a more private ride, then booking a taxi could be a better option for you.

If you have a larger group of people traveling together or would like the middle ground, then we’d recommend the shared minivan as your best bet.

More about Khao Lak

Stain in one of the best hotels Khao Lak here.

Check out the best beaches in Khao Lak here.

Explore the best things to do in Khao Lak here.

Photo of author

Andrzej Ejmont

Andrzej believes life to be a never ending adventure. Originally from Poland, he is a devoted husband and father. Dedicated and enthusiastic to chase all his dreams. Storytelling to entice other families to travel.